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Rocky Bay Reefs


This is one of most scenic dives on the coast, with a big pinnacle, large boulders, crevices and huge gullies with small sand patches in between the reefs. This reef teems with Nudibranches and tropical reef fish. Dolphins are a common visitor to this site, with Humpback whales being seen in the vicinity during the winter months.

Thistle coral is abundant here in delicate colours from purple, pinks to shades of yellow branched black coral, and deadmans finger are but some of the coral to be seen. Look out for big green coral trees swarming with Sea Goldies and other tropicals. Large shoals of game fish frequent this location regularly as well as a large variety of sharks. Including: Ragged Tooth, Zambezi, Thresher and Hammerhead Sharks.

This is a perfect dive sight for Nitrox diving.


Scattered rocks and gullies, with huge boulders and swim throughs are features of Umzimayi Wall. There is a 20m wall on the inshore side, with ledges and a cave on the northern side. Whip coral, Black coral trees , and Pink thistle coral as well as green fern coral are untouched on this reef.


Sea urchins are everywhere. The fish in this area are not used to divers being around and they are very inquisitive. Some of these include big Moorish Idols, Snappers and Trigger fish, Model tobies, Boxy's and Tiger angelfish. Big game fish and sharks frequent this reef and are seen on most dives.


Minimum certification: Advanced

Located just on the inside of the shark nets off Rocky Bay, ski boat reef is an excellent dive site for students and ideal for training purposes, this site will be enjoyed by experienced divers too, due to the diversity of marine life found here.

This is a typical example of our coastlines close inshore reef and is home to a huge variety of creatures: Moray eels, crayfish, skates, rays, and juvenile tropicals form a small part of what’s to be seen.

Can be enjoyed by all certification levels.


An interesting pinnacle starting 17m below the surface and dropping to 26m on the outside. Average depth +/- 23m.

There are plenty of ledges and gullies to be explored here which are home to a large variety of hard and soft corals as well as tropicals such as trumpet fish, geometric moray eel, speckled shrimp fish, batfish and a variety of reef fish, rays, guitar fish and occasionally big game fish. Sharks are just some of the other marine life one will encounter at this reef.

Minimum certification: Advanced


This site consists of a spectacular array of hard and soft coral life, numerous caves, gullies, overhangs and swim throughs. There are plenty marine tropicals and as the name implies, a large variety of cowries if one looks carefully.


Big shoals of reef fish and schools of dolphin frequent this spot regularly. Sharks and game fish are also occasionally seen here.


Minimum certification: Advanced


This is a lovely little reef with a large variety of marine tropicals, nudi branches, soft corals and black coral trees.


Topography is interesting with ledges, gullies and small caves to be explored. As far as marine life is concerned, expect to see shoals of king fish passing by, potato bass, bonito’s, hammerhead sharks, fusiliers and a whole lot more.


This spot always has something new to offer.

Minimum certification: Advanced


This dive consists of channels with walls of reef on either side and within these walls are overhangs and swim-throughs. Coral life is few, but hard coral such as leather coral, Porous coral and sponges are found. Thistle coral and bright yellow Dead-man's finger coral are also found in the crevices.


Fish species include Trumpet fish, Devil fire fish and Flute mouth fish. Look out for the Mantis shrimp and Tiger Sharks and Blacktips are regular visitors to this site.


Can be enjoyed by all certification levels.

Outside Landers is a wall like reef running from north to south, the pinnacles make a good enclosure for marine life and stand out about the rest of the reef. The boulders create nice swim-through's and gullies. Expect to find thermoclines here as this is one the deeper dives.


Ragged-tooth sharks, fusiliers, Nudibranches and crayfish can be found as well as a variety of tropical fish. Soft coral, Whip coral, Purple and White thistle coral, Lettuce coral, sea urchins and an abundance of plant life can be seen on this reef.

Minimum certification: Advanced



Rock formations form a wall with small ledges and gullies. White kingfish roam this area and are keen on inspecting new visitors. Devil firefish , Red fanged trigger fish and Moorish idols, snappers and goldies are abundant in the area.


The coral consists mainly of Polyp coral and Dead-man's finger coral, sea urchins and Whip coral in a variety of colours can be seen. Nudibranches are commonly found on this reef.


Minimum certification: Advanced



Boulders and gullies are connected to flat piece of reef. It is recommended that divers stay in a close group as the rock formations an this reed can cause the divers to lose sight of the dive master. Soft coral is predominant, with the surfaces covered with seaweed and a variety of coralline.


Nudibranches are found in and between the crevices. Look out for crayfish in the small caves and overhangs. Tropical fish as well as Natal catfish, Batfish, Trumpetfish and idols are always in the vicinity. Game fish are a common sighting.


Minimum certification: Advanced


The Produce was built in 1960 and was a Norwegian bulk molasses tanker and weighed in at around 13 358 tons.

She struck the North – east pinnacle of the Aliwal Shoal on 11 August 1974, (en-route to the United Kingdom from Durban) and then drifted off to its present day resting place.

All crew were rescued and no lives were lost. Big game fish, such as Daga Salmon and Kingfish are regularly encountered here, as are most of the usual small tropical fish.


Large families of Brindle Bass are resident to the wreck and though they can be shy if one moves around slowly and keeps ones eyes open, you may be rewarded with a sighting. Max. Depth is 32m on the sand.

Advanced certification is necessary.


The Nebo was a British iron steamer weighing in at around 2 067 tons and was built in 1884 by J. Laing in Sunderland and was commandeered by Captain Powell.

She somehow struck the pinnacles of Aliwal shoal in good weather on the 20 May 1884 and sank immediately.

She was on voyage from Sunderland en-route to Natal carrying a cargo of 4500 tons of railway material. No lives were lost. Max. Depth is 30m.

Advanced certification is necessary.





Offshore Africa D.C.
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Offshore Africa Dive Charters Taking Clients On An Amazing Photographic Opportunity Excursion.
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MOBILE: +27 84 951 1325
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O.A.D.C. offer offshore underwater photographic as well as shark diving expeditions along the coastlines of the Eastern Seaboard of Southern Afirca.


Apart from offering Shark Diving Trips we also offer ideal Photographic opportunities as far south as the Wild Coast, as well as the KwaZulu-Natal (KZN) and Mozambique Coastline.


Whether you are after some memorable photos or require specialized itineraries, Rob and his team will ensure you a safe and exciting opportunity to get that special once in a lifetime shot!

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Shark Diving Off The KZN Coast & Aliwal Shoal -Blacktip Sharks!
Rocky Bay Reefs
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Underwater Photograhpy At The Rocky Bay Coral Reefs
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An Amazing Up Close Photographic Opportunity With A Brydes Whale
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