Shark Diving Tiger Shark Diving Diving With Sharks Underwater Photography Marine Photography
Sea Life Game Fish Shipwrecks Predatory Sharks Coral Reef Fish
Tiger Sharks Blacktip Sharks Ragged Tooth Sharks Dusky Sharks Hammerhead Sharks
Great White Sharks Sardine Run Scuba Diving Operators Scuba Diving Off The KZN Natal South Coast Shark
Shark Conservation Divers Shark Diving Aliwal Shoal

Happy wanderers accomodation photo gallery - south coast kzn

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Offshore Africa D.C.
scuba diver
Offshore Africa Dive Charters Taking Clients On An Amazing Photographic Opportunity Excursion.
blacktip shark
MOBILE: +27 84 951 1325
coral reef

O.A.D.C. offer offshore underwater photographic as well as shark diving expeditions along the coastlines of the Eastern Seaboard of Southern Afirca.


Apart from offering Shark Diving Trips we also offer ideal Photographic opportunities as far south as the Wild Coast, as well as the KwaZulu-Natal (KZN) and Mozambique Coastline.


Whether you are after some memorable photos or require specialized itineraries, Rob and his team will ensure you a safe and exciting opportunity to get that special once in a lifetime shot!

underwater photography
Shark Diving Off The KZN Coast & Aliwal Shoal -Blacktip Sharks!
Rocky Bay Reefs
sardine run
Underwater Photograhpy At The Rocky Bay Coral Reefs
Sardine Run
hammerhead shark,ragged tooth shark,zambezi shark,whale shark
An Amazing Up Close Photographic Opportunity With A Brydes Whale
Video Footage
An Amazing Up Close Photographic Opportunity With A Brydes Whale
Proudly South African - South African Based Dive Charters Of The KZN Natal South Coast - South Africa!
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